Welcome to VeterinaryStaffScheduling.com. Here, you will learn how to set up an account on WhenToWork.com Online Employee Scheduling so that you can save an enormous amount of time, money and sanity doing your veterinary staff's schedule. We use this veterinary staff scheduling software at My Pet's Animal Hospital. Staff labor is one of your most significant variable costs at a veterinary hospital. With this software, you can either do the schedule manually (and the software keeps track automatically of the hours as you add shifts to an employees schedule for the week), or use the "autofill" feature and let the software make the schedule for you subject to your employees availability, skill level and other restrictions. Or you can use a combination of both.
"I love the software because employees can access the schedule from home (even their cellphones!), submit schedule change requests or time off requests through it so that you have an electronic trail, and because it is very flexible. AND with it, you get a free email intranet communication system. Team members can post bulletins, announcements, etc. You can send an email to any or all of your employees at once. " - Sam D. Meisler DVM, My Pet's Animal Hospital
How do you sign up and how much does it cost?
To sign up, just click on any of the whentowork.com links and you can then sign up for a free trial (no credit card required for the trial). Pricing is listed on the website as well. You can sign up first, and then come back and learn how we use it, or just click on the youtube videos below and see how to get started.